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Designing With Text

The structure of a UI layout is the presentation of information. Web pages are being accessed from a variety of devices today. From device to device screen displays vary in size and clarity. Web font will have fewer pixels to work with as displays get smaller. If designers strive for pixel perfect layouts they will be limiting the use of the horizontal space which can cause text to be presented incorrectly. For instance, dynamic text needs a degree of flexibility. A designer cannot control the nature of dynamic text or the device it will be displayed on; therefore, it is better to follow responsive design principles (Heim, 2008).

Another issue that web text faces is the distance it is viewed from a device to our eyes. Phones we hold close to our eyes, whereas laptops and desktops are farther away. If we limit the number of pixels for web text then we limit the different CSS styling that can be applied for one screen size to the next (Gmert, 2013).



Gemert, V. V. (2013, March 1). Building On The Measure — Logical Breakpoints For Your Responsive Design | Smashing Magazine. Retrieved from Heim, S. (2008).

The resonant interface: hci foundations for interaction design. (pp. 9-11). Boston, MA: Pearson education, inc.

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